Tales of The Bard
Magician's Law
A figure stepped out from beneath the trees-and the bard stopped in his tracks. The shape was man-like, a head and taller than Paedur, as thin as a sword – and completely enveloped from head to foot in a cloak of seared and withered leaves.
‘Bard come forth; face me.’ So begin the extraordinary adventures of Paedur the Bard. Confronted by the hideous figure of Mannam, Lord of the Dead, Sovereign of the Silent Wood, a perilous deal is struck. And in the course of its mysterious fulfilment, Paedur travels through awesome, magical realms of enchantment, terror and brutal powers, where the forces of darkness are always at his heels, threatening to engulf the enlightenment he so boldly upholds… |
Demon's Law
There is a bridge between two worlds, that of Life and that of Death, and Paedur the Bard, Champion of the Old Faith, steps tentatively across the fathomless gulf. Legend speaks of peoples of all races and times still carrying on a semblance of life within the silent Wood of the Dead, kings and peasants, warriors and priests, all living out an eternal parody of their days in the World of Men, perhaps even unaware that they are dead, their kingdoms dust, their time long forgotten.
There is even a tale that Mannam, Lord of the Dead, deliberately keeps the finest the World of Men has to offer, the wisest kings, the bravest warriors, the most powerful magicians, the most knowledgeable bards and rules them himself… But no-one knows for certain, for no-one has ever returned from the Land of the Dead to speak of its wonders… |
Death's Law
"Churon showed his teeth in a mirthless smile. “Bard; if the Gods of Faith and Religion go to war, then the resultant destruction will wipe out the myriad planes of life clean of all life, possibly forever.”
“And I must do it alone, I suppose?” “Do it whatever way you can, Bard, but do it soon,” Death said, and melted back into the stone walls, and was gone.’ Churon, Deathgod of the Old Faith, had spoken. And Paedur the Bard, Champion of that Faith, took the King Road to the North: on the final quest for the Old Faith, and for his destiny… In the wilds of the North, to encounter Geillard, the deposed emperor, to encounter Mannani, the once-lord of the Dead, sovereign of the Silent Wood. And there to fulfil the final prophecy, to roam the planes of existence, the pages of legend… |
The Arcana Series
He is Silverhand, who was foretold, destined to save the world from Chaos and restore it to the state that now lingers on only in dreams and pangs of secret human desire. To do so he needs the Arcana: The Spear of Light, The Stone of Destiny, The Cup of Blood, and The Sword of Flame. Once the treasures of the gods of creation, they have been for eons lost to both gods and men.
Properly used, they can defeat the rising tide of evil that is sweeping the world. But if Silverhand fails to find them or uses them ill, or they fall into the hands of his enemies, the world will be plunged into an eternal suffering. |
In the early days of the Roman Empire the noble Etruscan civilization in Italy is waning, Vesi, a young Etruscan noblewoman is violated by a renegade supernatural being. Outcast then from Etruria, Vesi bears Horatrim, a child who carries inexplicable knowledge and grows to manhood in only six years. But a savage Roman attack leaves Vesi unresponsive and Horatrim homeless and vulnerable, and he travels to Rome where his talents confound powerful businessman Propertius, who arranges to adopt Horatrim as a son, changing his name to Horatius.And all the while his demon father is seeking him to kill him, if Horatius is a conduit through which the demon might be found and destroyed.
The Merchant Prince
Despite his lack of physical stature, the five-foot-tall John Dee was a towering figure in Renaissance Europe: alchemist, necromancer, scientist, philosopher, adviser to royalty, enemy to the vicious de Medici clan-and confidant of Dyckson, a member of the alien race known as the Roc. Ancient and wise, the Roc have come to Earth to observe the evolution of humanity, not to interfere.
But during the course of his studies, Dyckson has come to call Dee friend. ‘When the de Medicis arrest Dee in Venice, Dyckson chooses to save his friend from prison and leave him in suspended animation until the year 2099. The “philosopher of Albion” wakes in a confusing future where humanity is on the brink of developing the ultimate weapon-a weapon that will mean the destruction of the human race! The only thing that can prevent Armageddon is a genius from the past-but can even the great John Dee save humanity from itself? |